✦ YOU WILL HAVE TO FILL THE COMMISSION FORM!!No rush commissions! One commission usually takes 2-7 days to complete but depending on my schedule and where you are on the waitlist it may take up to 1 - 5 weeks, so please be patient!!✦ Only simple backgrounds like in the ones you've seen on my socials or the commissions sheets.✦ I reserve the right to decline commissions.✦ All prices quoted are in EUR, and payments will be made through Paypal, wire transfer or Ko-Fi (no cryptocurrency / bitcoin as payments).✦ Prices may vary for complexity designs. (I am not accepting commissions with complicated armors atm sorry :/)✦ Additional charges $10-$40 for detailed clothes or complicated designs, etc

✦ Please provide as much references as you can! You can add reference to details, like eye color, scars, colors, clothes, etc.✦ If I think the references are not enought I will let you know, or if I have any questions I will contact you! So please give me a way to contact you that you know'll response quickly so I could start soon with the commission.No added details after quotations are emailed to you. I would have to charge extra if you do want to add details/make changes (that is different from your original references) to the commissions after I start on them.✦ Please, I'll love getting a short description of the personality of the chararcter to making it more accurate. (Especially OC's, but any description of any character will be grateful ^^)★ I reserve the right to decline a commission if the needed isn't sufficient or to difficult to understand, so please be specific and clear.You may not reprint for sales, edit, and/or crop off watermarks of the completed commission.✦ Edits and trace overs the commission are strictly prohibited.✦ Personal use is totally fine!No refunds.✦ You may upload the completed commission on your Social Media sites, but please credit and link/tag it back to any of the links below. ^^
Twitter : @nyauarts
Instagram : @ nyauarts

✦ Clients are not permitted, under any circumstances, to use any part of their commissioned artwork for any sort of merchandise and/or non fungible tokens for profit. Clients are also not permitted to use the commissioned artwork for anything related to AI. Use of the artwork under such circumstances is strictly prohibited and will result in legal action taken.✦ Commercial use is prohibited. For commercial work please contact me at [email protected]** I will only accept upfront payments before I start on commissions. **If you are not pretty sure of want you want, please do not doubt to asking me, I will love to give you recommendations or suggestions. (Just if you want of course) But do not forget asking me ^^

✦ You have to considerate the same terms and conditions as above, but you DON'T have to complete the form.
If you are interested please leave me a message in any of my socials or my email, and we will discuss everything here! :)

EDITED LAST TIME: 12/05/2024